Week 9: Photo-a-Day - Faceless PhotosIn the interest of keeping things fresh, I'm continuing with my weekly themes for my 365 Project. You may recall that my theme for Week 8 was Hands. While in many ways it's a lot harder to come up with creative ideas to keep with the theme, the restriction takes some of the guesswork away. Week 9's theme was Faceless Photos. Here we go! This is sometimes a typical Sunday morning for us. My hubby was taking photos of the protesters who were setting up just outside our house. They weren't protesting us, FYI. We happen to live near a consulate, which gets its fair share of protests. Sunday seems to be an especially popular day for this. I decided to have a little bit of fun on Monday. We have lots of sock monkeys. They normally sit in our den, but I brought them up to my daughter's room for this shot. And they all have names. From left to right: Lulu, You-You, Mimi, Humphrey, (damn, I forgot his name), and Miko. I made Lulu, Humphry, and Miko. Humphry was the first first sock monkey that I ever made, and he's got really big, strong arms. Lulu was made for my grandmother, and Miko was made for my hubby's grandmother. After they each respectively passed away, the sock monkeys made their way back to our house, where they enjoy a full life with other sock monkeys. Tuesday's pic was taken was my hubby was taking my daughter upstairs for her bath.
Wednesday's pic was taken after dinner. My hubby was showing something to my daughter on the phone. I'm guessing it was something to do with The Beatles. She LOVES The Beatles. Thursday's photo was taken was I was on my way out to a client proofing and ordering session. My hubby had just gotten home, and my daughter was telling him about her day. I was rushed to leave, but just couldn't resist this scene. Friday's pic was taken in our living room. We were having a family sleepover in the living room, and my daughter was already sound asleep. My hubby was up late, because he noticed an issue at work, which he was trying to resolve. So of COURSE, I had to pull out my camera! Saturday's photo is a bit of a cheat. I mean, yes, I took it; however, it's a photo that I took at a client session that I had that day. Still, it fits in with the theme. And it's a perfect transition to the theme for Week 10: Silhouettes! If you've been following me on Facebook this week, you'll notice that I haven't posted too many photos. I had 3 photo session over 3 days last weekend, and there's still a lot of work in getting photos edited. I did, however, take pictures every day; I just haven't had a chance to edit and post them. I will for sure post them on FB soon, and of course, there will be a blog post coming up as well. In the meantime, feel free to browse the previous entries of my 365 Project! Until next week!
Family Photography,
Lifestyle Photography,
Project 365,
yes i love the photo of you daughter telling a story to her daddy! so cute.
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