In Perfect Harmony: Sunset Engagement Photos at Toronto's WaterfrontBrian and his partner have been engaged for about a month and a half, and decided to celebrate this momentous occasion with a sunset engagement photo session along the waterfront. And they couldn't have picked a better day for it! Their session took place after work in late August. One of the great things about this time of year is that you still get the warmth of summer, AND with the sun setting earlier, you don't have to be out late to reap the benefits of this beautiful light. I arrived a bit early, so being a sucker for pretty scenery, sunsets, and water, well...I grabbed a quick snap with my DSLR.
Here's one of my favourite images taken at the wave deck.
So here's a photo instead. And by the way...wouldn't this make an AWESOME location for wedding vows?
PS: After the session, I stopped for a quick snap of the CN Tower. Because, as you know, I am a sucker for CN Tower photos. And I am a super-sucker for photos of the CN Tower taken at night.
Yesterday I showed the guys their photos at their home for their proofing and ordering session, and it was just such a lovely time. As an aside, I really love proofing and ordering sessions because they always feel like I'm hanging out with friends. These sessions are just so calm and relaxing. Of course, yesterday's as extra-special because I got to meet their awesome dog, Mason, whom I probably spoiled way too much by scratching the backs of his ears, and showered with attention. I even got a quasi-handshake from Mason on the way out. Awesomeness. Peace, love, and pics.
Engagement Session,
Lifestyle Photography,
Music Garden,
Simcoe Wave Deck,
Spadina Wave Deck,
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