And Then There Were 4: Fresh 48 Session in Toronto's East EndWhen I first met Samara, it was over coffee one weekend, near the Carrot Common in Toronto's east end. Pregnant with her second child, Samara was taking it all in stride. While there's something magical about meeting first-time parents-to-be, meeting a "veteran parent" is also a real treat, especially for me, as a mother of an only child. I find that parents who already have a child(ren) at home have a certain confident air about them. Sure, every pregnancy and every baby is different, but having successfully raised a baby makes you realize that, while child-rearing definitely has its stresses, it is totally manageable once you get the hang of it! :) I got the "I've had the baby" e-mail from Samara in the week before I was to leave for the supremely-awesome and über-informative PinkleToes Photography workshop in Charlotte, NC (more on that at a later date). Between the workshop and being off the week after the workshop to look after my daughter, who was in limbo between finishing school and starting camp, scheduling her session was tricky. With it being a Fresh 48 session, we can't really schedule the session until baby is born, and even with that, I like to give a bit of leeway with scheduling the session, because, depending on how the birth went we may not necessarily schedule within 48 hours of birth (so far, clients seem to like it at around 5 days or so). Anyway, to make a long story short, I managed to fit Samara in between the workshop and my week off. And I'm sure glad that I did, because her little guy was just a doll.
Part of the fun of doing a Fresh 48 session, especially for larger families, is getting some shots of the other kids, like that of Samara's eldest, Stella, who was full of energy and love for her little brother.
But my favorite photo of the day has got to be the one below. There's something about the awesome serenity of it. The mommy-baby connection. PLUS, I am a total sucker for black-and-white photos. Also, notice the art hanging on the wall just above mom and baby. Is that not awesome juxtaposition or what? Plus I got to use "juxtaposition" in a sentence. Me. Nerd.
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