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And The Band Played On...Ümla Summer Minis Part 1

June 28, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

Last time I was at Vermont Square Park was for my first round of An Ümlarifically Sweet Halloween mini-sessions, back in October of 2013. I really love this park because it has a great playground AND a great big grassy field.

Last Saturday, I returned to the park for An Ümlarific Summer mini-sessions. These minis are the last set that I'll be holding until the fall, when I have my Halloween and Christmas/Holiday minis scheduled.

I was a little worried about the weather, since the forecasts had been threatening rain on Saturday, but I remained hopeful. Still, to be on the safe side, I bought a big clear plastic umbrella at the Shoppers near my house, just before I headed off for the sessions. I also decided to bring some protection for my camera. Even though it's supposedly weather-sealed, I didn't want to find out the hard way.

My heart sank as I was greeted by some heavy raindrops as I scooted back home from Shoppers. Still, with only 20 minutes before my first session started, I figured that I might as well show up to my session and take my chances. I actually got through two sessions before the rain picked up. My third session was pretty cool about taking photos in the rain. They huddled under my clear umbrella, while I snapped away with my camera covered by a plastic bag.

Unfortunately, the weather was so crappy that we pretty much ended up with a bunch of the same shots. As a result, both the client and I came to the same conclusion (independent of each other) that it would be best to try to take the photos on a non-rainy day. Things started to get really soggy, so I hid under a tree for some shelter (and don't worry...there was no thunder or lightning).

You can tell by the photo that things look pretty soggy. What you can't see is the crazy pouring rain going on at the time! Check out the plastic bag that I used for my camera, and my handy-dandy clear umbrella. I myself was wearing a raincoat, which, by the end of the session got pretty drenched.

The next two sessions were postponed. Ironically, just before my fourth session of the day, the weather started to clear up, so I e-mailed the client and asked if she still wanted to meet up, and she did! I was really happy that she was able to make it, just because I know how disappointing it is to plan to do something, and then have those plans thrown off due to something like the weather.

I had an hour to kill between sessions, so I just sat on a nearby bench and answered work e-mails. Check out my trusty scooter keeping me company.

In the end, I got through half of my 6 sessions. Not too shabby at all, considering the craziness of the weather. Check out some of the highlights below!

Umla Summer Mini Collage (www.umlaphoto.com) Not too shabby, if I do say so myself, and everyone had a blast! I'd like to thank everyone who made it out last Saturday, and I'd like to thank to everyone who didn't make it for making my life easy by being able to re-schedule your sessions all for the same day. Part 2 of the Ümlarific Summer mini-sessions will take place on Sunday, June 30th, so stay tuned for the highlights! Peace, love, and über-Ümla happiness!


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