Project 365 Week 14: LiquidsI have to admit that I am proud of myself for making it through Week 14. Things have been hectic, so between photo-editing and marketing efforts (fun fact: owning a photography business is about 90% marketing, and 10% photos), getting those 365 Project photos has been challenging this week. I was pretty good about taking daily photos, though a) I didn't get around to editing my photos until yesterday/today, and b) I missed taking photos on two occasions last week, and as a result, I took the photos retroactively. The theme for the week was "Liquids", and I had lots of fun with it. I have to admit that it was a little more challenging than I had originally expected. That being said, I'm overall happy with the photos. Sunday's photo was the first photo that I missed, but I posted it as a Sunday photo, because I'd had the idea, but just forgot to take the photo. So I'm posting the photo "in honor of" Sunday. :P So, photo backstory: my hubby and I purchased two lava lamps when we first got married, with the idea of having a lava lamp in each room of our teeny little condo. When we moved to our house, we kept the lava lamps, but never used them. Until last week, when he decided to turn on our bedroom lamp. This lava lamp was the inspiration for the week's theme. And thanks to his lava lamp revival, we've had the lamp on in our room a few days this week. We have another one in the basement, but unfortunately its power cord is trapped behind a heavy wall unit. I will have to plan a rescue operation sometime soon... Monday's photo was actually taken on Monday. Score. In case you can't quite make out what this is, it's a USB aquarium. The fish are fake, but it IS filled with water. The aquarium plugs in to the USB port on a computer, which causes it to light up, and blow some bubbles. The bubbles subsequently make the fish move. Tuesday's photo is of my contact lens. It seems fitting, since I wear contacts every day, for 10+ hours. We've been inseparable since I was 14. I am super near-sighted (-8 on both eyes), which means that I can an object clearly if it's about 20cm away from me. After that, it looks like a fuzzy blob. I have Coke bottle glasses, which means that they make my eyes look teeny when I wear them. Hence, the contact lenses. For Wednesday's photo, I asked my hubby if I could take a photo of his face in the shower, and I was met with a "WTF" kind of stare, and a resounding "no". So he suggested that I instead take a photo of him washing his hands. I can't complain, as I quite like this one. By the time I hit Thursday, I was running out of ideas. And by the time I got around to taking a photo, it was late. Fortunately, Mother Nature provided me with a little bit of help via form of a rain storm. I took this photo from my window at night, so it doesn't look great, but you can sort of see the rain and the wet ground. I completely missed Friday's photo, so this post is "in honor of" what I would've done on Friday if I'd actually remembered to take a photo. I found this on my kitchen counter on Saturday, and I thought it was kind of funny. The first thing that came to mind is that this looks like a union of Coke and water, and that their lovechild would be a can of Pepsi. :P Saturday's photo was taken on Saturday. Thank goodness. I would've been annoyed at myself if had missed THREE days out of the week. Bad, bad me. My hubby was still not into the wet-face-in-the-shower photo, so this is what I ended up with. I actually like how the juice looks, as it gets poured in the glass. Hubby was a little annoyed at him, as I told him to stop and start pouring, to get the perfect shot. All he wanted was a drink. He is such a good sport in putting up with my photography craziness. :) Week 15's theme is either light or sunlight. I haven't quite decided. It will depend on how many photos I manage to take during the day. I've already started, though my first photo is a quasi-cheat, as I took it with my iPhone, and not my DSLR. Still, I took it on the day of, so it counts! You can stay up-to-date with the (sort of) daily photos by checking my Facebook page! And in the meantime, if you haven't already checked the previous 365 posts, you can check them all out here! Peace, love, and Ümla-happiness to y'all!
Family Photography,
Lifestyle Photography,
Project 365,
Jennifer B(non-registered)
Hey, keep on plugging! I love these lava lamps. My kiddos encountered one for the first time the other week. Totally mesmerized!
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