Paying it Forward - A Client's Quest to Raise Cancer AwarenessIf you subscribe to my Newsletter, The Ümla Update, you will know that I have an initiative called "Paying it Forward". Each month, I donate $50 to a registered charity. The donation is on a one-month lag, which means that March's donation, for example, was made in April. The idea for the "Paying it Forward" initiative came about as a way to teach my 4.5-year-old daughter about charity and compassion. Since my daughter is an only child, it's easy for me to be tempted to give her everything that she wants, as she has no sibling to compete with for mommy and daddy's monetary resources. January's donation was made to the World Wildlife Fund, as a kick-start to my campaign for the CN Tower Climb in support of the WWF, taking place on April 27th. February's donation was made to the Sick Kids Foundation. My daughter chose this charity, because she personally benefited from the care and attention that she received at Sick Kids when she had croup a couple of years back. Today, I'm happy to announce March's donation to the Princess Margret Cancer Center via the Weekend to End Womens' Cancers event, taking place on September 7th and 8th, 2013. I first became aware of this event via one of my clients, Lisa, who had e-mailed me to support the cause, and I was happy to do so! Here's more on the event, in Lisa's own words: The ‘Weekend to End Women’s Cancers’ is a two-day, 60 km walk through the streets of Toronto with the focus on raising awareness and funds for cancer. The event specifically support those cancers that commonly target women – breast and gynecological research, treatments, and services. I am joining my good friend and her mother in the team ‘Chicks for Charity’ this year for my first time walking in this event. I’ve been lucky not to have had any close personal losses from these diseases, but they still scare the life out of me. Every time I hear of a friend or co-worker dealing with the sickness, treatments, or loss I am scared. When I hear that in Canada approximately 23,400 women will be diagnosed this year with breast cancer, and another 8,000 will be diagnosed with ovarian, cervical, or uterine cancer I am terrified! As a woman, a mother, a partner, a daughter, a sister I want to get ahead of this disease, and do my part to fight for awareness and for a cure. Please consider joining in the effort. We’d love to welcome new members to walk with us on our team, or if that’s not possible, consider making a donation. Go to and search for ‘Chicks for Charity’ or ‘Lisa Bean’. I think that what Lisa is doing is absolutely wonderful, and I hope that you can support the cause too!
If there is a registered charity that is near and dear to your heart, contact me! I will not only donate $50 to the charity, I will also feature the story on my blog and newsletter! Comments
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