Week 5: Photo-a-Day - Snaphots of Life in TorontoI have to admit that I had a bit of fun during Week 5. I even managed to get myself in THREE WHOLE PICTURES! Not bad for playing catch-up on all those other weeks where I had planned for a few selfies, but never made it past the planning stage. Without further ado, here goes! Week 5 starts off with 2 photos on the Sunday. The first is of icicles melting over my front door. This was on the heels of the big, giant snow storm that hit is a mere two days earlier (recall the pics of my hubby taking my daughter to school by sled from the week 4 post). So just as I needed to capture the crazy snow, I felt equally-compelled to capture the crazy meltdown. That being said, we got so much snow on the Friday, that not even the above-zero temps throughout the week were enough to melt all of that snow. Here's another pic from Sunday. It's actually a crop from a larger pic of my daughter enjoying a Sunday morning Starbucks hot chocolate at home. But I was so smitten by her eye, that I decided to zoom in. You can see the reflection of the hot chocolate cup, of me, and of the fireplace in the background. Monday's pic cracks me up. I went to MEC to buy my daughter a new winter jacket, since the zipper was dying on her current one. I was actually surprised to find a winter jacket in February, considering that the GAP is selling spring clothes. While I was at MEC, I noticed that they had bike helmets. My daughter was in dire need of a new one (she's got a big head for a 4-yr-old), so I snatched one up too. My daughter, being a total girlie-girl, wanted to try on all her new loot. And of course, she had to look at her reflection. Mommy + camera = moment captured! Tuesday's pic was somewhat staged. Can't really expect a pic to not be somewhat staged when you're doing a selfie, mind you. I wanted to get a pic of my daughter kissing me, so I set up the camera on tripod, turned on the self-timer, and got lots of kisses. I love that I was able to capture this moment. Melts my heart. Wednesday's pic is Yoga-themed. My daughter takes Yoga every Wednesday, thanks to her awesome school teacher, who offers a weekly after-school program to kids ages 3-6. When I tell people that my daughter does Yoga, they kind of look at me like I'm one of those snobby parents who over-programs their only child. But let me tell you that my daughter absolutely LOVES going to Yoga with her school friends, and she loves showing off her moves to me. She can even do a sun salutation (well, a 4-yr-old's version, that is). You can tell that my downward dog needs a bit of work. My excuse is my ACL injury, which hasn't quite healed yet. Later that evening, we REALLY had fun with the camera on the tripod and self-timer, and got a couple of gems. These aren't officially part of the 365 Project, but man, did we have some fun! Funny faces! I totally photobombed this one. My hubby was so focused on helping my daughter with her coloring, that he didn't even notice me on the table. Until I showed him the pic later that evening, that is. I still laugh when I think about it. Thursday's pic was so fitting for Valentine's day. I planned this one a week in advance. I just HAD to do it. If you're FB friends with me, you'll know that my hubby and I do this pose every year on New Year's Day, usually in the kitchen, at the end of our annual New Year's Eve bash. This year, we didn't have our party, and we didn't have our pic, as we were packing for our NYC trip. I'm glad that I finally got the kissing pic in this year. And what a perfect day for it. We also both took the day off to spend some quality time together sans kid, which was extra-special. It wasn't a fancy day. It was just a day of hanging out, and that was one of the nicest V-days in our 10 years together. We spent Friday at my parents' house. I worked away, while my mom looked after my daughter, who had a day off from school (jealous). This pic is nothing spectacular photographically, but it has something that is rare with my mom: a candid moment! My mom ALWAYS poses for photos, and it drives. me. nuts. Except for the fact that my talent lies in getting candids even from people who are dead set on posing. I emerged victorious! My daughter is (much to my horror) dressed in her favorite dress-up outfit at my parents' place: a bridal dress and veil. Who comes up with this crazy crap for kids? *sigh* Saturday's pic totally cracks me up. We had a lazy afternoon after returning from my daughter's ballet class (9:30am class...grrr). Enter bad mommy and daddy moment here. We decided to hang out in the living room and watch a movie. We'd introduced my daughter to the Beatles' movie Help! on Friday, and this was her second viewing of it. She is now obsessed with the Beatles. Her favorite Beatle is John Lennon, and she spent the whole movie asking which one was John. I laugh at this, because I used to not be able to tell them apart when I was little too. I don't believe that she was reacting to anything scary when I took this pic, but you can tell that she's really into the movie. And I just love how my hubby is fast asleep right behind her. Mwah! I'm already well into Week 6 pics, and am excited by the pics so far. I don't have any selfies planned for the week, but you never know. As usual, you can check the previous 365 posts, which I've grouped nicely here. Or keep up-to-date with daily pics on my Facebook page. And don't forget to follow the blog for promos, events, session summaries, and more!
Family Photography,
Lifestyle Photography,
Project 365,
Adriana, these are fantastic. When I started at the top I told myself to remember a certain picture so I could comment on that one specifically. But by the time I'd gotten all the way through I had too many in my head I wanted to comment on to even remember the first one! Love the ice melting one...and the kissing one...and your downward dog is WAY better than mine...and the last one with your husband asleep is hilarious. Love the humor in these, too. Nicely done :)
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