Aruba or BustWe recently took a family vacation to Aruba. It was warm, wonderfully relaxing, and, of course, was a great setting for some awesome photography. I didn't want to lug around my DSLR equipment with me, so I opted to carry two smaller cameras instead. The Fuji X10, and the Panasonic Lumix TS4. I got the LX10 as Christmas present in 2011, and the camera has not disappointed. I was looking for a high-end point-and-shoot which still afforded me the ability to manually control focus, aperture, and exposure, among other things. I have to admit that when I was shopping around, I was pretty dead set on either the Lumix LX-5 or the Canon G12. I have a Panasonic point-and-shoot, which I love, because of the fabulous optical 12x zoom Leica lens. Unfortunately, the camera is pretty automatic, and didn't allow me to change many settings beyond ISO, flash, and exposure. The Canon G12 was also an attractive option, because, as my DSLR is a Canon, I pretty much know what to expect. I was all ready to get either the LX-5 or the G12 when I walked into Henry's. Then the sales guy asked me if I'd be willing to look at another alternative - the X10. Well, it was love at first sight. First of all, the body is so awesomely vintage! Plus the zoom is "manual", meaning that you have to twist the lens to zoom in and out, like you do on a DSLR. But, the real selling point for me was the fact that this camera takes AMAZING low-light photos. It even beats the pants out of my fancy Canon DSLR. Seriously. The TS4 was a later addition to the trip. As in, I bought it 2 days before we left, and researched it briefly the night before I bought it. I bought it because I wanted a good underwater camera, knowing that we were going to spend a significant amount of water in the water, be it swimming, hanging at the beach, or snorkeling. Again, this camera did not disappoint. Being a Panasonic, it has the awesome Leica lens. It only has 4.6x optical zoom, but then again, it's about the same as on the X10, so no biggie. The underwater pics were awesome, and so were the out-of-the-water pics. But enough camera talk. Let's look at some pics! The first pic is one of the first underwater pics that I took with the TS4. It blew me away right away. I couldn't believe how crisp the underwater photos were! We did a variety of things while in Aruba, most of which involved time spent on a boat, in the water, or both. The photo below was taken while we waited to board a glass-bottom boat. Looks like a Corona ad, doesn't it? This one was taken with the X10.
Sadly, I did not think of bringing the X10 along for this adventure, so I was left with the TS4 instead. Still, thanks to Leica awesomeness, the pics turned out not too shabby. For more of the Aruba album, check out the link here. Comments
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