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It's an iPhone Kind of Spring

April 13, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

I have been dying to take the DSLR out for a spin to capture some spring pics, but totally haven't had time. So in lieu of that, I've decided to just capture spring as I go, with the Hipstamatic app on my iPhone.

I don't know if this first photo should technically count as spring, since it's a picture of my indoor violet plant, but it did flower in the spring, so I guess it's fair game. This is the only photo in the series taken with the Hipstamatic app. I don't get to use Hipstamatic as much as I used to, just because processing time is so damn slow. But looking at this picture, I am reminded of why I love the app. I had originally meant to focus on the violet itself, but Hipstamatic doesn't really let you choose a focus point, and the viewfinder is a bit blurry (ahem..."vintage"), so the resulting photo ended up with the focus being on the cactus plant in the background. But I honestly think that that's what makes the photo so cool.


The next photo is of a bunch of daffodils that were planted in front of one of the apartment buildings in my neighborhood. Daffodils are one of my favorite types of flower. I think that what makes them so appealing to me is that they have such a unique shape. These ones in particular are extra-cool because the center is slightly darker than the surrounding petals. What I love the most about this photo is the feeling of grandeur. This makes me think that I'm looking at a whole field of daffodils, instead of a small flower bed.

I didn't know what these were called until today, when a friend posted a picture of the same flowers on Facebook. They're magnolias, in case you're wondering. I took this picture as I was walking down University Avenue, near Osgoode Station. I really love how the Instagram filter that I applied made the sky look so blue. And I really love the building in the background. And finally, I don't believe that any spring collection is complete without an awesome sunrise. I took this picture today while I was out for my daily power-walk. I think that the filter I applied to this photo really brings out the awesomeness of the sunrise. And I also like the fact that the focus of the photo is on the sunrise itself, with the surrounding buildings almost blacked out.

For more spring Hipstamatic photos, check out the full album here.


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