When Life Gives You Lemons, Smile, and Enjoy Photographing the Cute Babies, Toronto-Style!Yesterday, I was over at Lil Bean N Green for the final MommyConnections East Toronto Tuesday class of the year. The class started at 11am. Since I was coming from the Annex, I wanted to make sure that I gave myself plenty of time to make it down. Especially since last time I came down for a MommyConnections East Toronto class at Lil Bean N Green, I wound up having to ride my scooter all the way from King and Bay. Great workout, but not fun when you're in a hurry to get somewhere. Thanks for nothing, TTC. And thank you awesomely fabulous Kick scooter (yes, mine IS the bright blue one)! I still made it in with 10 minutes to spare on that day.
I have to be honest with you when I say that I wanted to run out of the room screaming and crying, and curl into a little ball. You probably would too, if that was your livelihood that you dropped. Plus it was a $2,500, barely two-week-old lens that I had wanted to buy for ever and ever. I wanted to scream and freak out, and make a scene. But I wasn't there for that, and the mommies probably wouldn't have appreciated it either (as if anyone would - HA). I was there to take pictures. I'm a professional after all, and professionals don't lose their cool, even when they want to. We reserve that for super-famous movie star divas, don't we. :) If you're wondering what my lovely lens looks like, here it is:
So I took a deep breath, calmed down, and swapped out lenses. I had my trusty 50mm lens on me, which I always like to have, because it's a great portrait lens, and it's a very light lens. And so, the show went on. And I am glad to report had an absolutely lovely time today. Because, as we all know, babies are cute, adorable, and make everyone smile. A dose of babies was just what I needed, that's for sure. So, without further ado, here are some highlights from today's shoot. In today's class, Cynthia, from Gymboree came by for a little demo class with the kiddies! And in case you're wondering, it's not Gymboree the clothing store (though I think they're affiliated). It's Gymboree the kiddie activity class (they freaking rock, by the way). You know...those guys with the colorful parachute? Oh, THOSE parachute people! And they do bubbles too! The bubbles smell REALLY nice, by the way, and take forever to pop. They're not made of soap. Shh...don't tell my daughter! Totally fun class. I never had my daughter in Gymboree, but it sure would've been a fun class to take! Here are some highlights of candids that I snapped of mommies and babies during the class. Check out this little girl and her mommy. What a couple of sweeties. Who needs posing when you have genuine smiles? Melt my heart, why don't you?
This little guy ALSO loved the camera. He kept crawling right toward it! (The little man has good taste!)
As for my beloved lens, it has been sent off to Canon for repair, hopefully to return to me soon. In the meantime, I will be renting one to fill in the void. Comments
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