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Week 4: Photo-a-Day - Snaphots of Life in Toronto

February 13, 2013  •  2 Comments

I know it's your favorite time of the week, right? Here is the Week 4 roundup of my Photo-a-Day Project!

I ended up posting two photos for Sunday in Week 4 of the project, because both pretty much embody stuff that's going on right now. And both are very different.

Well, it so happens that I live next door to a consulate, and this consulate is a very popular location for protests. They happen on a weekly basis. And they seem to take place primarily on Sundays, which is beyond my comprehension, because quite frankly, nobody is around. Except maybe the Consul General. You can't see them terribly well, but the protesters are waving around a blue flag, just right of the tree. I decided not to focus too much on the protesters themselves, but rather, wanted to capture what I see when I look out the window. This was taken from my kitchen. Never a dull moment when you live in downtown Toronto!

This next image is one of my daughter sewing. She goes to Montessori school, and they teach her all sorts of super-cool life skills stuff, along with the usual reading writing, and math. Sewing is one of them. I'm by no means good at sewing, but I know enough to be able to sew on buttons and whatnot. She'd been begging me to sew something, so I cracked open my sewing kit, found her a thick (and not-too-pointy) needle, some thread, and a scrap of material. If you can believe it, I think this material used to be tights that either my sis or I owned when we were tweens or something. And somehow I kept this scrap of material all these years. I see where my daughter gets her love of crafts from now. Tee hee...

I have to admit that I feel a bit bad about this image. The night this was taken, my husband was giving my daughter her bath. I was downstairs photographing something for my 365 Project. Then I heard them head back downstairs for dinner. Followed by a thump, screams, and cries for me to head upstairs. I was in a bit of a weird situation, because, my camera strap had gotten stuck to my necklace, and I was hoping to race up the stairs to my daughter's rescue sans camera attached to me, but alas, that was not to be. Anyway, hubby had the situation under control by the time I got up there, with my camera literally stuck to me (he did a crazy dive to catch her, and wound up hurting his tailbone in the process - both are okay now). We made our way down to the kitchen, and my hubby grabbed an ice pack for my daughter, as she'd smacked her shin against one of the wooden steps on our many sets of stairs. Since my camera was attached to me anyway, I snapped away, trying to capture the moment. I should note that I am not posting this pic for its artistry, because it's full of weird shadows and whatnot, but I wanted to capture this "day-in-the-life" moment. I still feel bad though, because my daughter was so clearly miserable at the time. She did get lots of kisses from mommy later.

I took Tuesday's photo just after my morning run, around 7:15am or so. I was really struck by the crescent moon nestled in the tree, so out came the camera.

This is one of my favorite images of the week. I took this after school on Wednesday. My daughter and I were doing crafts in the living room, and I asked her if I could take some photos of her doing crafts. I think she got bored partway into it, and started throwing this pom-pom around. Lucky for me that I had my camera on me. My daughter is a HUGE "Star Wars" fan (seen all 6 movies multiple times), and I thought that this was the absolute embodiment of the "Jedi-in-training".

This image is one of two for Thursday. I included this photo because my daughter is ALWAYS doing crafts - drawing, gluing, cutting...you name it. And her preferred place for crafting is usually the kitchen floor, on her stomach. Just another day at our house.

The second image for Thursday was included because we were starting to get part 1 of the massive snowfall that hit Toronto on Thursday evening/Friday all day. I dimmed the kitchen lights, and my daughter stood by the window watching the snow fall.

By Friday morning, we had a TON of snow. Hubby worked from home that day, and the only practical way to get our daughter to and from school was by sled. Which made her day. What kid wouldn't love that??? This photo was taken at around 8:20am.

This image is also from Friday. I really wanted to capture the snow on a tree. I took this while returning home from an errand. Lucky for me I had my big-girl camera  on me.

And since we're documenting that massive snowfall, I thought that it would be fitting to show a picture of the road by 10am.

And naturally, after the massive snowfall from Friday (we got 25cm!), we just HAD to go sledding the next day. We went to Christie Pits Park, which was AWESOME. I didn't bring my camera along, because, quite frankly, I wanted to slide down the hill.

Week 5 is coming along very nicely, and I've even got some Valentine's Day-themed pics posted/planned. As usual, you can check the previous 365 posts, which I've grouped nicely here (thanks to post-tagging - w00t). Or keep up-to-date with daily pics on my Facebook page. And don't forget to follow the blog for promos, events, session summaries, and more!


I love the perspective of the first one, and sledding to school? That is crazy cool. I can't imagine it because I'm sitting here at 10pm sweltering in my house in Melbourne, Australia!
This is a nice capture of your week! I love the crafts on the kitchen floor shot...and the sledding to school. How fun would that be??!!?? Oh, and I also love the shot where you caught her watching the snow. Liked them all, but those were my favorites :)
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